Karting Circuits in BE/NL with private gokart.

Alles wat nergens anders thuishoort.
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Berichten: 2
Lid geworden op: 15 Nov 2021, 22:53
Eigen kart: Ja
Thuiscircuit: None.
Ik race met: Eigen kart

Karting Circuits in BE/NL with private gokart.

Bericht door JoKeR192 »

Hey there!
I'm trying to get a new hobby of go-karting, but so far I am not able to find any circuits to drive a private go-kart.
Is it even possible to go to a certain circuit and race with others in my own go-kart? If that's possible, what are the prices here for an hour/heat?
I live in the Turnhout area in Belgium, where is the closest circuit to drive on?

Thanks in advance, take care! ;)
Site Admin
Berichten: 2207
Lid geworden op: 02 Jan 2015, 19:17
Locatie: Aalter, BE
Eigen kart: Nee
Thuiscircuit: Geen.
Ik race met: Huurkarts

Re: Karting Circuits in BE/NL with private gokart.

Bericht door CyCo »

What kart do you own? Would you like to drive indoor or outdoor tracks?

I think your best guess would be to contact Karting Genk and see what's possible there. (This is outdoor obviously.)
Berichten: 2
Lid geworden op: 15 Nov 2021, 22:53
Eigen kart: Ja
Thuiscircuit: None.
Ik race met: Eigen kart

Re: Karting Circuits in BE/NL with private gokart.

Bericht door JoKeR192 »

I own a home-built 125cc 2 stroke kart back in my home country, I want to bring it here to Belgium.
Does the kart have to meet some safety/technical regulations?
Site Admin
Berichten: 2207
Lid geworden op: 02 Jan 2015, 19:17
Locatie: Aalter, BE
Eigen kart: Nee
Thuiscircuit: Geen.
Ik race met: Huurkarts

Re: Karting Circuits in BE/NL with private gokart.

Bericht door CyCo »

Yeah I think especially the exhaust needs to be quiet enough (for sure if you want to do competition races). I'd say check with the track itself, mostly they have the regulations and/or requirements on their website.
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